By Hipster Weaver


Vortex is a professional foundation theme for Rapidweaver. Unlike normal Rapidweaver themes Vortex by Hipster Weaver is a ready made project file that uses Foundation stacks set by Joe Workman.

Check out the sidebar to read more about Foundation for Rapidweaver.

If you own Foundation you will be able to open the project theme file and get straight on with your site.

Like all Hipster Weaver themes it contains feature elements using other stacks for Rapidweaver. This theme features Moving Box and Post Office by Joe Workman.

Make sure you check the product page to check the required stacks you will need to make the most of this project theme file.


Not familiar with Foundation for Rapidweaver by Joe Workman?

Foundation gives you the freedom to build whatever website you want using Rapidweaver.

There are lots of tutorial videos to get you started so head over to the Foundation website.


The slider at the top of this page is created using Moving Box stack by Joe Workman.

It is a pretty advanced use case of the stack.

Luckily if you own Moving Box and get Vortex you just need to open the file and it is already set up for you.


Post office is a great mailing list sign up stack by Joe Workman.

It integrates with popular mailing list management sites like Mad Mimi and Mail Chimp.

Would recommend getting the stack if you have a mailing list sign up.


Vortex project theme comes with it's own bespoke menu stack especially made for this Hipster Weaver product.

This gives the theme a really unique feel.

Special thanks to Big White Duck for creating the Vortex menu exclusively for Hipster Weaver Vortex Theme..

Quick Links

Essential Stacks



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